Get Started

S​o, you want to implement Internet safety practices in your home? GREAT!

But where do you start?

Here are some initial steps to take, with links to our related blog articles, as well as a couple from the FBI:

Parents need to understand that you can't trust kids on the Internet.

Read This:
So, You Think You Can Trust Your Kids On The Internet?

Filter your entire home network, FOR FREE, using OPENDNS!

Read this:
Filter Your Home Network…for FREE!!!
Parental Controls Review: Circle Home Plus

Talk with your children about Internet predators and how to protect themselves online.

Read These:
The FBI's SAFE ONLINE SURFING Site for both students and teachers. (Available during the school year)
A Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety, also from the FBI

Talk with your kids about the dangers of sexting.

Read This:
SEXTING! What’s The Big Deal??? Part I UPDATED

Visit the INTERNET SAFETY section of our blog, BLOGGING THE KNIGHTS' QUEST for more articles on topics such as NETFLIX, HULU+, Twitter, cell phones, and more.